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Ilosun Ointment


Ilosun Ointment is a complementary ointment and was formulated to act as an anti-microbe for burn -, all wound types and healing properties for skin problems. Ilosun’s research and patient studies have shown analgesic, cooling down on the burned area. The unique combination of Ilosun’s actives is essential for the growth and development of new tissue. Studies have shown that it promotes re-epithelialization and reparative tissue strength by enhancing the deposition of collagen at the site of the wound.




Antimicrobial activity:


Wounds can become heavily colonized by bacteria in only a few days. Studies have shown strong antimicrobial activity against:


  • Pseudomonas

  • Staphylococcus aurous/-epidermidis

  • Gram-positive bacteria

  • Gram-negative bacteria

  • Coryne bacterium species

  • Klebsiella oxytoca

  • Providencia alkali faciens

  • Proteus mirabilis

  • Serratia marcescens

  • Candida

  • Fungi


Slough removal:


Ilosun has a unique ability to penetrate slough, remove eschar, and necrotic tissue. Blisters and slough are lifted painlessly from the wound with its extracting factors. Slough and necrotic tissue are rapidly replaced with granulation tissue and advancing epithelialization. The combination promotes re-epithelialization and reparative tissue strength by enhancing the deposition of collagen at the site of the wound.


Moist Healing:


Burn wounds to the skin result in cellular necrosis, capillary damage, and coagulation of proteins. Capillary vessels become porous and hence the wet appearance of grade 2 and 3 burn wounds. Blood flow ceases as a result of thrombosis. If a wound should dry out…this impedes the recovery of the circulation and as a result, the burn wound grade can deteriorate, and resistance against local infections declines. Drying out a wound should be prevented at all costs. A thick layer of Ilosun Ointment should be applied to provide a moist healing environment that stimulates circulation and cell migration.


Protecting underlying wound tissue:


Ilosun Ointment is a gentle wound healing ointment, protecting new cell formation at all times. Ilosun dressing does not stick to underlying wound tissue, protecting the delicate new cells when changing dressings.


Formulation of healthy granulation tissue:


Ilosun provides a wound healing environment that stimulates granulation remarkably, filling up cavities and stimulating new cells. Macrophages initiate preparation for granulation in the inflammatory phase. (response of the body to the formation of a wound/infection) Macrophages support collagen formation by stimulating the capillary endothelial cells to angiogenesis, which leads to the growth of a network on the wound surface.


Ilosun stimulates epithelialization:


Ilosun Ointment stimulates the process of covering the denuded epithelial surface, especially with the presence of dermal components. The cellular and molecular processes involved in the initiation, maintenance, and completion of epithelization are essential for successful wound closure.


Pain relief:


During the burning, the tissues on the surface are damaged to different extents and the sensory nerve terminations are exposed to a shock-like effect and the injury is extremely painful. The composition of Ilosun covers the wounded area and isolates it from its surroundings. The actives penetrate the injury leaving healthy tissue intact and start to remove dead tissue. Oxygen or air which is absorbed by the pain-sensitive receptors, Ilosun Ointment For Burn And Wound ceases there constant irritation by sealing the wound, and pain is reduced. Burns can become heavily colonized by bacteria in a short period of time. Therefore the correct application and handling of the burn are very important.




Pathogenesis and symptoms of inflammatory processes are accompanied and/or initiated by the production of reactive oxygen species. It can be shown that Ilosun ameliorates inflammatory processes by interacting with aggressive oxygen radicals of the OH-type and interfere with leucocyte activation. These activities allow attenuation of oxidative attack and damage introduced by infections and environmental impacts.



Bacteria show exceptionally low resistance against Ilosun Ointment and long-term wound care can continue using Ilosun ointment. The product can be used throughout the healing process.


Studies included: Patients of all ages


  • Full-thickness burns and 3rd-degree burns

  • Partial-thickness burns

  • Severe septic wounds

  • Long term septic leg ulcers/Varicose vein ulcers

  • Diabetic wounds

  • Pressure sores

  • Stab wounds

  • Surgical wounds/amputations

  • Psoriasis/eczema

  • Kaposi Sarcoma

  • Cracked skin/ heals

  • Sun Burn

AGENT: Sunope Pharm

Listed at Local Pharmacies


Contact Number: 

+27 (0)82 449 2728



Ilosun Ointment was formulated in 2003 as a natural complimentary ointment with strong antimicrobial activity and healing properties for burn/wounds to prevent infection and start immediately with the healing process. Burns will not become septic. Ilosun is effective in cleaning and closing of infected wounds. The combination is essential for growth and the development of new tissue.

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